TODAY: Voter Registration Deadline To Participate In June 6th Primary

Askanim are urging all residents to ensure that they are registered to vote in the upcoming June 6th primaries – particularly in Toms River, where a heated battle for the Republican nomination for mayor has been ongoing.

The Toms River Republican mayoral primary is pitting incumbent Mayor Mo Hill against three challengers – Geri Ambrosio, Dan Roderick, and Robert Bianchini.

The Toms River Jewish Community Council (TRJCC) has endorsed Hill’s slate of candidates – Kevin M. Geoghegan, Josh Kopp and Matt Lotano – but has not made an endorsement of Hill for mayor or any other candidate.

Hill has accused the TRJCC of having “special interests” and therefore declining to endorse him, releasing a statement sarcastically “congratulating” Geri Ambrosio for receiving the TRJCC’s endorsement – which has not happened, at least officially.

To register for the June 6th primary, click here.

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