
Lakewood Police Department Hosts First Responders at Menorah Lighting Ceremony [PHOTOS]

Lakewood Police Chief Gregory Meyer and other top Department brass hosted a Menorah lighting ceremony at Lakewood Police Department (LPD) headquarters on Monday morning,...

Rav Yosef Efrati Inspires Kollel Cheshek Shlomo with Rare Shmuess In Lakewood [PHOTOS & VIDEOS]

Kollel Cheshek Shlomo on Sunday was graced by an address from Rav Yosef Efrati shlit"a, one of the most foremost rabbanim in Yerushalayim and...

PHOTOS & VIDEOS: Special Children’s Center Parents Inspired by October 7th Survivor Who Found The Yad Hashem Amidst Tragedy

On Wednesday evening, a crowd of Special Children’s Center Parents gathered for a Parents Night of inspiration. As part of their commitment to the entire...

Law Enforcement Teams Up with Local Business to Spread Holiday Joy to Needy Children

Ocean County and Monmouth County law enforcement officials gathered on Tuesday at Steals & Deals in Toms River to gather holiday gifts that will...

Rothenberg Law Firm Launches Free Reflector Belt Initiative to Safeguard Pedestrians

In a joint initiative aimed at enhancing pedestrian safety, Shomrim and the Rothenberg Law Firm have partnered for a second consecutive year to provide...

FASCINATING: Shofar Season At Judaica Plaza with Efraim Feder

Unlocking Lakewood's Legendary Judaic Store: Dive In with Efraim Feder and Get Ready for Shofer Season at Judaica Plaza! Judaica Plaza, situated at 1700 Madison Avenue, is...

FIRST LOOK: See Inside Lakewood’s Brand-New Cedar Palace Wedding Hall

The spanking brand-new Cedar Palace wedding hall in Lakewood opened this week at 1990 Swarthmore Avenue. Below are some photos inside the already-popular new wedding...