Pressure on Murphy to Lift Covid-Testing Mandate in Schools

Senator Kristin Corrado called on Governor Murphy to immediately lift his COVID-testing mandate for unvaccinated teachers and school employees after the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said today that testing healthy students and employees is no longer recommended.

“It’s been clear for some time that forcing healthy teachers and school employees to submit to burdensome and expensive COVID testing was unnecessary,” said Corrado (R-40). “Now that the CDC has changed its guidance, Governor Murphy has absolutely no excuse to continue dragging his feet on lifting his testing mandate. He should do it today.”

Corrado sponsors legislation (S-2550) that would remove the requirement for weekly COVID testing for school district employees who are not vaccinated.

Two weeks ago, she sent a letter to Governor Murphy urging him to end the mandate before the start of the upcoming school year.

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