As a follow-up to yesterday’s action alert from Agudath Israel of America, Agudah’s NJ Director Rabbi Avi Schnall released the following video explaining the potential that awaits if the kehilla takes action.
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As a follow-up to yesterday’s action alert from Agudath Israel of America, Agudah’s NJ Director Rabbi Avi Schnall released the following video explaining the potential that awaits if the kehilla takes action.
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no link here
So that all those that are getting every gov program will now get more, and those of us paying taxes and not getting any programs will end up paying higher taxes… thank you Avi, for nothing!
Thank you Agudah
Thank you for caring agudah and doing something about it
Be careful though. I just spoke to someone in a place that has vouchers and all that happened is that the tuitions were raised to compensate for this. It really needs to be thought through.