We regret to inform you of the Petirah of Mrs. Esther Masha Yarmusch A”h of Flatbush who was niftar today following a lengthy illness. The nifteres is the wife of yb”l R’ Eliyahu Shlomo (Alan) who stood by her side with tremendous mesiras nefesh for the past few decades.
She is survived by her children Mrs. Zahava Friedman wife of noted Askan R’ Yisroel (Freddy), Mrs. Elisheva Bier, wife of R’ Meir (Boston/Philly), and R’ Eli Yarmusch.
The Levaya is scheduled to take place tomorrow, Thursday, at 12 pm at Shomrei Hadas Chapel 3803 14th Ave. Brooklyn.
Shiva address: 2406 Ave P in Brooklyn. Shachris at 6:30 am, Mincha /Maariv 7pm.
(Motzei Shabbos and Sunday Morning until after Shachris @ 9 am 106 Forest drive Lakewood)
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.