New Jersey Recorded Most Antisemitic Incidents Ever In 2023, Third-Most In U.S.

A survey conducted by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has revealed a disturbing trend in antisemitic incidents in the United States, with a record 8,873 incidents reported in 2023. This marks a 140% increase from the previous year, and the highest number ever recorded by the ADL.

In New Jersey, the ADL recorded 830 antisemitic incidents – the third-most of any state, behind just California (1,266) and New York (1,218). Along with those states and Massachusetts (440 incidents), they accounted for nearly half of all antisemitic incidents across the U.S.

The survey found that 52% of incidents after October 7th included references to Israel, Zionism, or Palestine, with many occurring at pro-Palestinian or anti-Israel rallies where antisemitic and anti-Zionist rhetoric was prevalent.

The ADL tracked 1,352 incidents associated with anti-Israel rallies in the months of October, November, and December, and found that anti-Jewish and anti-Israel graffiti and swastikas were common.

For the first time since the ADL began tracking references to Israel in antisemitic incidents, these cases constituted the majority of incidents in the months of October (59%) and November (60%).

The survey also found increases in antisemitic incidents across all categories, including harassment, vandalism, and assault. Harassment accounted for 6,535 incidents, a 184% increase over the previous year, while acts of vandalism rose by 69%. Assaults with antisemitic motives increased by 45%, with 161 recorded incidents.

The ADL has been tracking antisemitic incidents since 1979 and has observed a steady increase since 2014, with a dip in the early 2010s.

The ADL’s CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt, stated that “these findings are a stark reminder that antisemitism is a growing threat in our country” and called for “all Americans to come together to reject hate and promote tolerance and understanding.”

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