MAILBAG: Thank You Jackson Police Department and Chief Matthew Kunz

A beautiful hachnosas sefer torah was held on Sunday at K’hal Majestic Woods in Jackson. Singing and dancing filled the air as I and many others joined in the celebration. But what isn’t known by many is just how helpful the Jackson Police Department, and specifically Chief Matthew Kunz were.

To begin with, Chief Kunz stepped in when we encountered trouble with the permit necessary to hold the hachnosas sefer torah. He guided us throughout the process, making sure every i was dotted and every t crossed. But it didn’t stop there.

The kehilla hired LCSW to provide security at the hachnosas sefer torah itself, and the Jackson Police Department knew this. But they showed up anyway, providing their own security and even joining in the joyous celebration.

Why? Not because they had to – they didn’t. They did it because of their selfless devotion to the residents they serve. They didn’t need to be asked, their job description didn’t have to order them to come; knowing that their presence would be appreciated and helpful was more than enough for them.

On its Facebook page, the Jackson Police Department noted that its officers were at the hachnosas sefer torah. Did they ask for thanks or credit? No. Rather, they wrote that it was an “honor to observe and assist with the Sefer Torah Parade.”

To Chief Matthew Kunz and the entire Jackson Police Department, helping the community they serve isn’t a weight they bear; for them, it’s a calling they’re thrilled to be a part of.

And for that, I, my neighbors, colleagues, and friends, thank the Jackson Police Department and Chief Matthew Kunz for their camaraderie, friendship, and unceasing selfless service to all Jackson residents.

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