Lakewood Planning Board Endorses Banquet Hall Ordinance, But Not in Residential Zones

In an often testy public hearing on Lakewood Township’s proposed ordinance that would allow all schools to use banquet halls and catering facilities as accessory uses, the Planning Board voted to officially recommend the Ordinance for passage, provided that some changes are made.

While attorneys for an industrial park business argued that the Ordinance would not be consistent with Lakewood’s master plan, Board members voted 4-1 to endorse it.

The changes the Board recommended are: No banquet halls allowed in residential zones, and there must be adequate parking at the hall itself with 1 space per 45 feet of banquet hall; no street parking should be necessary. Schools that already have parking lots can count the lot as part of the banquet hall’s spaces, so long as the school isn’t used at night.

The Planning Board’s recommendations now go to the Township Committee for consideration. The hearing on the Ordinance and the provided recommendations will take place at 5:30 pm on Thursday, December 8.

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  1. What constitutes a “residential zone”? Even the Township’s commercial zoning districts conditionally permit Multi-Family complexes.

    Also, will the Township take enforcement action against schools that currently have banquet halls and don’t comply with these parking requirements?


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