FBI in Contact With Homeless Howell Veteran Scammed by Rep. George Santos

The FBI is conducting an investigation into a possible scale run by Rep. George Santos several years ago in which he raised funds, ostensibly to assist a veteran whose dog was sick – but then never gave him the money.

The FBI has been in contact with the veteran, Richard Osthoff, who is a resident of Freehold. At the time of the scam, Osthoff was living on the streets in Howell due to adverse circumstances.

The alleged scam took place in 2016, when Santos offered to help Osthoff raise money for his dog, Saphirre, who needed a surgery. Osthoff never got the money from the campaign, and Sapphire died.

Santos has been caught lying numerous times, including about being Jewish, and appears to be on a course to land in jail, as lie after lie of his comes to light.


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