PHOTOS & VIDEOS: Sheriff Mastronardy, Commissioners Join Jackson GOP Club Meeting

Sheriff Michael Mastronardy and Commissioners Gary Quinn and Bobby Joe Crea were among the attendees at a Jackson GOP Club meeting Wednesday night.

Sheriff Mastronardy gave an outstanding presentation on what the Sheriff’s office does each and every day.

Commissioner Quinn spoke about the need to stay ahead of the curve when anticipating growth and infrastructure needs, and mentioned how he felt that northern Ocean County needed its fair share and that Republicans have to be proactive instead of reactive. Commissioner Crea also mentioned how honored she was to participate in our meeting and that our office is always open for each and every one of us!

Frank Sadeghi also attended the meeting. Frank was endorsed by the County GOP to be Ocean County’s next commissioner, succeeding the retiring Joe Vicari. Frank introduced himself to the GOP club and dozens of its members signed petitions in his support. Frank will be returning at the Club’s April meeting together with county leadership to formally introduce himself to its membership.

With two board of education members in attendance, the meeting discussed the need to unify and lobby the state government to ensure that Jackson schools can continue to provide high level education to its students.

Club President Mordechai Burnstein, Mayor Michael Reina, and the Municipal Chair have all endorsed the LD-12 candidates, last night the GOP Club formally endorsed these candidates. Congratulations Mayor Owen Henry, Assemblyman Rob Clifton and Assemblyman Sauickie!

Mayor Reina spoke about each of the guests in attendance and encouraged the Club to unify and support each other.

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