We Can’t Call Royal Grove Home Without A Proper Bais Medrash

Recent years have seen the establishment of a number of wonderful frum communities across the greater New York area. In Jackson, New Jersey, a warm and wonderful young neighborhood called Royal Grove has risen to the top as a destination for families who wish to raise their children in a tranquil suburban environment, surrounded by like-minded frum families.

Of course, a community cannot exist without a spiritual center, and Khal Sha’arei Ish was founded as a place where every resident and guest feels welcomed and cherished. The kehilla is led by the renowned Rav Simcha Aharon Strohli Shlit”a, the Vien dayan, who guides the members in halacha and hashkafa, and has helped grow the bais medrash into a center of Torah, avodah and gemilas chasadim.


It didn’t take long until the need for a full-fledged bais medrash emerged. To continue being there for the community, this center will require a large bais medrash for Shabbos and Yom Tov davening, rooms for regular minyanim, a mikvah, seforim library, space for learning and shiurim, and much more. This is the only way to ensure that the public’s needs are met.

But of course, such a project does not come cheap. That is why the community has embarked on an ambitious fundraising mission to complete this crucial undertaking. While the locals are stretching themselves to give all they can, that is far from enough to get the project to the finish line. The help of Klal Yisroel is needed. It will require those who want the zechus of helping found a flourishing Jewish kehilla to make this bais medrash a reality.


With the Yamim Noraim approaching, a time when every Yid makes the bais medrash his home for the month, let’s join forces to build the spiritual home of this fledgling, beautiful community. In this zechus, may our tefilos be accepted in heaven and may we all be zoche to a Ksiva Vchasima Tova!


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