In an eye-opening video, Lakewood resident, renowned philanthropist, and former pharmaceutical executive Dr. Kasriel (Rich) Roberts debunks myths around the baby formula shortage and explains how the FDA – and not the manufacturers – are to blame for the ongoing crisis.
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Dear our special Doctor Rich Roberts,
First of all: May the Almighty grant your entire family and the entire Jewish community and also the non-Jewish people with lots of great health.
I appreciated your video very much. Thank you for this information.
Food for Thought:
I think maybe you were very strong against the FDA. I have a funny feeling that if you give Mussar to the FDA in a nicer tone maybe nicer terminology, maybe they will try to improve and become a better agency. Sometimes when a person gets offended or insulted, their brain goes into lockdown mode and they may do wild things without thinking. When a person is in lockdown mode, they don’t really care if they end up in jail.
In the Chumash, that donkey that gave Mussar to Bilaam, Hashem arranged through messengers that the donkey should disappear, in order that Bilaam should not get embarrassed. Hashem was extremely careful to make sure that a human being should not get insulted.
Food for Thought:
Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetsky (may his memory be blessed) told his congregation in Monsey that they should not wear their Tallis outside on top of their garments. I guess he meant that a person should wear a thin coat on top of his Tallis. He said that we are guests. A Tallis might offend someone. I don’t know if this Halachah applies nowadays, however, I think the statement about “guests” really should continue to a certain extent. We truly want and hope that Hashem will bring us to Eretz Yisroel together with Mashiach.