Urge Congress Like Never Before: A New Initiative to Help Our Brethren

KnowUs, a project of Agudath Israel of America, launched a campaign today to galvanize the sending of 100,000 letters to Congress to stand with Israel; to press for the release of all hostages; and to combat the recent, surging antisemitism on college campuses and across the country.

In Agudah’s more than one hundred meetings with city, state, and federal officials since October 7, members of Agudah’s Washington office, regional offices, and Agudah activists across the country have often been met with variations of the same response: “This has been a great meeting, and our office has heard similar sentiments from individuals in your community. But we are hearing more from opponents of Israel. Why is that?” It is no secret that the opposition in America has been loud and vocal, often violently rallying on behalf of Palestinians and Hamas.

As a trickle of hostages await release, we shudder to consider the predicament of the remaining hostages still cruelly held by Hamas. We need to speak up in far greater numbers on behalf of them, on behalf of our brothers and sisters living in the shadow of war, and on behalf of Americans facing soaring antisemitism. Time is of the essence. We do not know which way the war or hostage negotiations will turn tomorrow; in the interim, legislators need to hear us relay that these issues are critical to us. That is the only way to overcome the onslaught of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish propaganda our legislators are hearing.

Many elected officials have supported us during this trying time – they need to be thanked and supported. Others have wavered – they need to be reminded to stand on the side of humanity, and against terror and bigotry. But all elected officials are human beings who respond to polite, but firm, outreach from their constituents.

To this end, KnowUs has built a portal to facilitate automatically sending an email to one’s legislators in minutes. After your email is sent, the platform provides the phone numbers for your district’s legislators, as calling a congressperson is even more effective.

“Given the circumstances, together with enhanced tefillah, we must act now in a way that cannot be ignored, said Mr. Avrohom Weinstock, Agudah’s Chief of Staff and Director of KnowUs. “Even if you have never done this in the past, please take two minutes now to reach out to your legislator.”

To access the portal and contact your legislators, visit KnowUs.org.

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  1. Daven people should know who they owe money to, and people should pay debt with shalom and safety. R’ Michel Ber said this is a zechus to save us from chevli moshioch

  2. During the days of King Achav, we all went into battle and everyone returned safely and healthy.
    What was their secret:
    Frum & the not Frum- they all got along.
    Everyone got along with everyone. No one was trying to hurt the other guy behind his back,


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