Edison Yeshiva had the special opportunity to host the Tefillin Awareness Project – הנחה כהלכה.
With the participation of the Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Zalman Busel and the Menahel Rav Leib Zeilberger, the bochurim were excited to ascertain that all external issues are inspected and corrected if necessary.
More than 10 Batim needed the attention of a Batim macher and a number of adjustments were made to other bochurim’s tefillin. The menahel was very appreciative and watched the entire time the 5 Sofrim were working.
A bochur, Yossi Gras, orchestrated the program many weeks in advance, with R’ Avrohom Schachter, the director of the 16 year old project.
The Sofrim came from Lakewood and Williamsburg.
How can i have them come to other yeshivas and shuls ?
ver darf zei hubben