The inaugural Adirei Hatorah event held Sunday night in Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia drew a massive crowd of over 20,000 lomdei torah and baalebatim, who joined in joyous singing and dancing to celebrate the partnership created between them.
The partnership, spearheaded by renowned philanthropist R’ Lazer (Louie) Scheiner, is a massive undertaking that has culminated in the tripling of kollel checks, greatly enabling bnei torah to continue their learning.
The event was primarily in appreciation of the lomdei torah, but also served to underscore the vital role that baalebatim have been playing in empowering them.
The Adirei Hatorah event commenced with niggunim followed by a speeches from BMG Rosh Yeshiva HaRav Malkiel Kotler shlit”a, HaRav Dovid Cohen shlit”a, and HaRav Ephraim Wachsman shlit”a.
A siyum hashas – finished by BMG yungeleit in honor of Lazer Scheiner – was led by HaRav Yisroel Newman shlit”a, rosh yeshiva in Bais Medrash Govoha.
There were also two video presentations – one primarily stressing the chashivus of the bnei torah and the second focusing on the partnership created between the yungeleit and generous baalebatim.
The event was organized by the National Chaplains Association, who used their extensive connections with local and state agencies to ensure the complex proceedings operations without a hitch.
Lakewood Shomrim was also deeply involved in the preparation and security at the event, complementary to stadium security, Philadelphia police, and Pennsylvania State Troopers.