Q: Is it permissible to eat turkey on Thanksgiving?
A: A Jew should not eat turkey. It’s absolutely chukos hagoyim. It’s a gentile practice.
So if you have a turkey already, keep it for Shabbos. Likavod Shabbos, it’s permissible to eat turkey
TAPE # 195 (December 1977)
Q: The Rav said that we have to honor our parents and we should extend that honor to the oldest brother and even to the younger brothers. Being that today is the secular holiday of Thanksgiving, how do we handle this ‘honoring’ when they invite us to celebrate this particular holiday with them?
A: Suppose a person has a relative who invites him to a feast of ham sandwiches —
Q: No, no. I’m talking about a kosher meal —
A: I’m talking about ham sandwiches! What would you do? You know what to do! So when he invites you to a feast of Thanksgiving it’s exactly the same thing. Now you know
what to do.
TAPE # 853 (November 1991)
For more from Rav Avigdor Miller zt”l, visit TorasAvigdor.org
I’m very aware that the Gedolim such as R Moshe Feinstein and R Aharon Kotler were ok with it. I know because I am related to both of them.
I don’t think those Gedolim were related to anonymous people.
Are we allowed to make a black Friday sale?
Or is that chukas hagoyim
Why even ask?