Rabbi Eisemann’s Evidentiary Hearing Postponed after Judge’s Recusal

The evidentiary hearing for Rabbi Osher Eisemann that was scheduled for March 15th has been postponed.

In an attempt to interrupt the upcoming hearing, the prosecution filed a motion demanding the judge’s recusal, claiming that the appellate court’s ruling remanding the sentencing to another judge disqualifies the original trial judge from any future proceedings, including ruling on the motion for a retrial.

The judge gave no merit to the actual motion but nevertheless recused himself, saying that the prosecution will cast doubt on any ruling coming from him.

The case has now been assigned to Judge Joseph Peone, who has not yet set a date for the evidentiary hearing.

“It is clear that the prosecution is extremely afraid of the clarity of innocence the evidentiary hearing will be”h bring, and will do everything in their power to disrupt it,” a recording on the Pidyon Shvuyim hotline says.

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