Petition Launched To Have Lakewood Twp. Committee Return To In-Person Meetings

A disgruntled Lakewood resident fed up with the township committee’s refusal to move back to in-person or in-person/virtual hybrid meetings despite the Covid-19 pandemic no longer being a concern, has launched a petition to place pressure on the committeemen.

The petition, which can be viewed and signed here, reads:

We, the undersigned residents of Lakewood, New Jersey, respectfully petition the Township Committee to reinstate biweekly, in-person township meetings (like other Townships) at the Township Courthouse post the COVID-19 pandemic.

The shift to virtual meetings or cancellations during the pandemic has disconnected many of us from our local government. With Lakewood’s population exceeding 100,000, not everyone possesses reliable internet access or the technical proficiency required for virtual participation. Furthermore, a significant portion of the Lakewood community lacks access to smartphones, laptops, or smart devices, further hindering their ability to engage in virtual meetings.

In-person meetings foster a vital sense of community participation, providing a transparent and accessible avenue for residents to interact with local government. We firmly believe that in-person gatherings offer a more direct and meaningful platform for residents to voice their concerns.

We urge the relevant authorities to heed this plea. Let’s revive our traditional town hall gatherings while ensuring compliance with essential health guidelines, now that the COVID-19 pandemic has long passed. Your signature on this petition signifies your belief in the power of community engagement and direct democracy.

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  1. It’s time for change!
    That is why I made this petition, it’s extremely difficult for a lot of my relatives who do not have access to the internet to participate in these meetings.


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