Ocean County Residents Asked to Cut Back Water Use Amid Dry Spell

Given the recent consecutive days of hot, dry weather in Monmouth and Ocean Counties, New Jersey American Water is asking that customers in this region take additional steps to conserve water now, and at the same time save some money on their water bills.

“After a few weeks of cooler weather, the hot and dry weather seems to be here to stay,” said Carmen Tierno, senior director of operations at New Jersey American Water. “Because of this region’s increase in population during the summer months, New Jersey American Water is urging customers to begin using an odd/even schedule for outdoor watering to potentially avoid more stringent summertime restrictions of water usage.”

Practicing odd/even watering now will help the company manage a finite supply of water, and New Jersey American Water customers will still be able to maintain their lawns and gardens. The guidelines are provided below:

Odd/even guidelines are:

Outdoor water use on odd-numbered days of the month if your street address is an odd number (i.e., 23 Oak St., 7 Maple Ave.)
Outdoor water use on even-numbered days of the month if your street address is an even number (i.e., 6 Oak St., 354 Maple Ave.)
Water early or late in the day to minimize evaporation

Exceptions are:

Watering of new sod or seed if daily watering is required (Note: it is recommended that any planting of new sod or seed that has not already taken place be delayed until the fall);
Use of private wells for irrigation; Commercial uses of outdoor water, such as for nurseries, farm stands, power washing, plumbing, athletic fields, and car washes; Watering of athletic fields

Additional tips and information on wise water use are available on New Jersey American Water’s website at www.newjerseyamwater.com under Water and Wastewater Information.

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