Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office to Participate in National “Take Back Day”

Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley D. Billhimer announced that the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office will once again join the United States Drug Enforcement Administration in support of the 22nd Annual National Prescription Drug Take Back Day on Saturday, April 30, 2022. The event is an effort to rid homes of potentially dangerous, expired, unused and unwanted prescription drugs.

There will be a drop off site located in front of the Ocean County Justice Complex, located at 120 Hooper Ave., in Toms River, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 30, 2022.  It is an opportunity to dispose of tablets, capsules, patches, and other solid forms of prescription drugs. Vaping devices will be accepted provided that the lithium batteries are removed.  Liquids, syringes and illegal drugs will not be accepted.

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day has been held bi-annually since 2010. Since its inception, the Drug Enforcement Administration and its law enforcement partners have collected 15.2 million pounds of medication. On October 21, 2021, the public turned in 744,082 pounds of medication to the Drug Enforcement Administration and its 4,276 community partners, at 4,982 collection sites nationwide.

“Take Back Day is an effective tool in reducing the availability of unused medication and prescription drugs.  I encourage all of our residents to take advantage of this opportunity to turn these items over to law enforcement,” Prosecutor Billhimer stated.

More information on National Prescription Drug Take Back Day and other collection sites may be found at:


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