Ocean County Commissioners to Endorse “Parents Bill of Rights”

The Ocean County Commissioners plan to adopt a resolution endorsing a “Parents Bill of Rights” which is intended to transparently inform parents about the curriculum being taught to their children.

The resolution, which will be voted on at the Commissioner’s meeting next week, will call to “return the decisions to local school boards regarding highly-sensitive curricula for our young children.”

The resolution comes after it was revealed that lesson plans for New Jersey public school educators include instruction on gender identity to young children.

The revelation has caused an uproar across the political spectrum, and under pressure, Governor Murphy has ordered a review of the curriculum that will be taught to youngsters in New Jersey schools.

Republicans this week introduced legislation to set forth a “bill of rights” for parents that also calls for the repeal and replacement of the gender studies curriculum currently in place and scheduled to begin being taught in September.

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