New Jersey Man Indicted in Sick Plan to Have Hitman Kill a 13-Year-Old

A New Jersey man has been indicted after hiring a hitman to kill a 13-year-old girl in Texas.

Police say that 57-year-old Armando Conceicao of Newark paid someone to travel to Texas to photograph the girl and conduct surveillance at her home. When the person returned from his mission, Conceicao ordered him to continue with the murder-for-hire plans.

The two discussed hiring a third person to carry out the actual killing, during which discussions Conceicao made clear that he knew the girl he was targeting was just 13.

Conceicao has been indicted for conspiracy to committ murder for hire, and causing someone to undertake interstate travel as part of a murder-for-hire scheme.

The murder-for-hire charge comes with possible sentence of 10 years in prison, along with a $250,000 fine.

One mystery remains: why did this New Jersey man want a little girl in Texas to be killed? Authorities have not revealed the answer.


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