New Jersey Launches Website to Help Residents Recover from Future Disasters

New Jersey has launched a new website to help residents, businesses, nonprofits, and even local governments receive information on available recovery assistance following future disasters. was announced by Gov. Phil Murphy at an event commemorating the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Ida, which caused widespread damage in several New Jersey counties.

Murphy said the website will compile all information residents and businesses need in one place and will offer “an interactive create-your-own-disaster-recovery-plan tool on the homepage to help you more quickly identify the programs that are best suited to help you.”

The site includes information relating to finding food, shelter, mental health, and provides links to various aid programs.

New Jersey’s Department of Environmental Protection says that the state has been hit with serious floods in almost 50% of the past 21, and climatologists warn that a global planet will only cause natural disasters to increase in severity and frequency.

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