Manchester Bids Farewell To Longtime Police Officer James Komsa

The Manchester Police Department has bid farewell to Capt. James Komsa, who retired from the force following a decorated career of public service that began in 1998 with the Seaside Heights Police Department.

Capt. Komsa joined the Manchester Township Police Department in 2000, when he was assigned to Patrol. There, he served as a Police Diver, Field Training Officer and Drug Recognition Expert. In 2011 he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant.

In 2014, Captain Komsa was selected to supervise the department’s newly formed Narcotics Enforcement Team. During his time in the NET, Captain Komsa served in a plain clothes capacity, participating in several multi-jurisdictional, multi-state narcotics investigations.

In 2016, Captain Komsa was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant where he was assigned to Patrol and implemented the Taser Program and Drone Unit. In 2021, he was transferred to oversee the Investigations Bureau and Narcotics Enforcement Team. In 2023, Captain Komsa was promoted to Captain and assigned to supervise the Division of Emergency Services.

Throughout his career, Captain Komsa received multiple awards, including three Chief’s Awards, the Life Saving Award, and three Meritorious Service Awards. Among his educational achievements, Captain Komsa completed the NJSACOP Command and Leadership Academy, and the FBI LEEDA Leadership Trilogy.

He holds a Master’s Degree from Fairleigh Dickenson University and a Bachelor’s Degree from Stockton University.

“Serving in leadership roles since 2011, Captain Komsa has had the opportunity to leave behind an indelible impact on our agency,” said Chief Robert Dolan. “He has done just that by always putting first the safety and wellbeing of those under his command. Please join me in wishing Jimmy a happy and healthy retirement.”

Among those at Capt. Komsa’s sendoff were his family, friends, fellow officers, Mayor Rob Arace, who presented him with a retired wallet badge, Council Vice President James Vaccaro, and Councilman Joseph Hankins.

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