As we navigate the Three Weeks, we are reminded of the destructive power of Sinas Chinam, baseless hatred. Especially in this year, marked by multiple unimaginable tragedies, we all know that we must focus on Bain Adam L’Chaveiro.
However, many of us try too hard, aiming for perfection immediately, and ultimately become discouraged. Instead, I propose a simple yet effective solution: start small.
A common courtesy that can greatly impact our interactions is mindful parking. In crowded shopping plazas like those in Lakewood, parking spaces are scarce. Yet, I often witness drivers parking with their tires overlapping into adjacent spots, effectively taking up two spots. This has caused me – and I’m sure many others – a lot of frustration and wasted time. This thoughtless behavior can be easily rectified by taking a moment to ensure our vehicles are within the designated lines.
It’s really not complicated. When you get out of your car after parking, simply take 5 seconds to look if you parked within the lines. If you didn’t, take another 20 seconds to adjust your car. That’s all.
It’s easy, it’s simple, and I think, it’s a great start.
The views expressed in this letter do not necessarily represent those of Lakewood Alerts. Have an opinion you would like to share? Send it to us for review at
You can add to put your wagon back and not leave it in a parking spot. You know the excitement when you see an open spot in a crowded lot and your about to pull in and then you see a wagon it literally can ruin a person’s day.
Could not agree more.
Another small, and easy thing to do in parking lots, which would help make things a lot smoother, is if people would return their shopping cart to the designated places for them. I often find myself looking for a spot, only to find that a perfectly usable parking spot has been occupied by a shopping cart left by somebody else.
There is a major dan l’kaf zechus here that people need to keep in mind. Many times, people are forced to park on the lines because the other cars were already over the lines thereby causing a domino effect.
It’s so frustrating that they are often left blocking spaces, or in spot that ends up scratching people’s cars. Even if it stays put now, a wind can often blow them into nearby cars.
Note to Developers: Be a drop more generous with your parking spaces. Larger vehicles of today take up more space than a 1990 Camry. I know they meet the official minimum, but it’s seriously unreasonable.
Besides it’s a chillul hashem!!
There is plenty parking in the malls. Do not park in a lane reserved for disabilities. That’s more important.
Thank you for the letter. I’m in total agreement. I cannot understand how these “double-parkers” grew up to be so inconsiderate of others. I will refrain from using vulgar language to describe them, but I find them to typically be very low grade people.
Great thoughtful idea! For everyone’s information, in Freehold Raceway Mall, ( and probably other locations) all traffic laws can be enforced by Freehold police. That means people get traffic tickets for improper parking. So please practice staying in the lines locally, so you are adept at good parking.
Yes, and onthat topic, dont leave your shopping cart in middle of the grocery aisle which makes it hard for others to pass, nor should you leave it on the side, but at an angle, rather, have it parallel to the aisle shelves, thereby letting “traffic” flow smoother.
Same if you didnt leave the cart, but stopped to look at items. Dont just stop in middle of the aisle, move over to the side!