MAILBAG: Beware Of Unlicensed Therapists Doing Harm Within Our Community

I am writing to bring to your attention a critical issue affecting the Lakewood community. Unlicensed therapists, masquerading as “advisors” or “counselors,” are putting vulnerable individuals at risk. My personal experience with one such individual, who calls himself a “יועץ” (advisor), has left me shaken.

This individual convinced me that his unorthodox methods were superior to traditional therapy and proceeded to charge me $180 per session. However, he soon made unprofessional and harmful suggestions, including telling my son to distance himself from his parents. When I realized his lack of credentials and unprofessional behavior, I terminated his services and warned him to cease contact with my son.

Despite my warnings, this unlicensed individual continued to contact my son and even filed a false police report against me, claiming I threatened him. I have documented all interactions via text messages.

I implore you to recognize the dangers of unlicensed therapists, who prey on unsuspecting individuals. Their actions are not only illegal but also harmful to the community. Do not go to someone who is not recommended by Relief Resources.

I have attached the relevant New Jersey law regarding unlicensed therapy practices.

I am not seeking revenge but rather aim to protect others from falling victim to such unscrupulous individuals. I would appreciate your help in spreading awareness about this critical issue.

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  1. No reason to keep it a secret if he is not licensed the public should know about it
    It’s not about revenge it about the publics safety

  2. Finally, people are speaking up about unlicensed therapists and other “ Professionals” Not only do these sheisters not help the situation, but may lead to dangerous results when conditions are not treated properly and harmful behaviors result. This also applies to those who are against vaccination and proven medical treatments, such as cancer, which are allowed to metastasize in absence of appropriate chemotherapy and radiation therapies. For some reason, nobody writes about these unfortunate cases and so these practices continue to go unchecked within our community.

  3. Yes I agree these people should publicly be shamed for the damage they have done I’m a victim of an unlicensed therapist who calls himself rabbi

  4. Sorry you had such an experience and every story has 2 sides. Some people actually have a very positive experience with these people who are good at reading koach ha’adam. They bring a different perspective to the situation not book diagnoses. As much as people have a bad experience with these people I’m sure there are many more who have what to say about licensed therapists…

    • NO, there are not 2 sides. If you treat someone without a license, you are a מזיק and a danger to society. There is a huge difference going to a licensed professional and one who just wants to smooth talk you and pretend to give therapy. Besides being illegal, it’s dangerous. You wouldn’t go to a surgeon if he wasn’t licensed, don’t go to these people either. They aren’t bound by any rules. Nor do they keep your information confidential. You wouldn’t believe the texts I have between this so called advisor and myself. He has no credibility whatsoever and should not be allowed to be near these children.

      • I think you should relax. We all know you, and your pain must be indescribable, but it’s unlikely that this letter is 100% founded in reality. I know which guy you’re referring to (as we’ve corresponded by email), but what I could assure you is that you’ve now gained yourself a first class ticket to….in the 9 days!!
        In the name of Hashem you can kill people, and it’s a phenomenon that’s only getting worse and worse. Totally inappropriate.

        Btw being unlicensed is not an issue. What does ונהנים עצה ותושיה mean?! Aren’t you that guy running to Reb Shloimeh Miller shlita with anything you have in your mind?! Is he licensed?! The answer is no, but licensing has no bearing in reality. I’m not saying every person is the guy to give עצות but your blanket statement is totally off. Calm it.

        • To “Knowing The parties”: This suggests you are the therapist in question, or closely associated with the therapist, otherwise how would you know both sides? I actually emailed the victim, and they have the receipts. What is described here is, sadly, 100% true.

          Speaking of one-way tickets, the חפץ חיים say in כלל ח סעיף יב, that people who report other yidden to the authorities, which is what this therapist did, gain a one-way ticket to גיהנם. The ח”ח’s exact words are: אם הוא הולך ומלשין על ישראל בפני נכרים בודאי עונו גדול מנשוא כי הוא נכנס על ידי זה בכלל המלשינים ודינו שוה לאפיקורוס והכופרים בתורה ובתחית המתים שגיהנם כלה והם אינם כלים.

          Agav, there is also no איסור לשון הרע on a Moser, as the Chofetz Chaim states in several places. This therapist was Moser his client’s father to the authorities! (Over what? Over a text message that said if you continue to engage with my son against my will I will take “appropriate action”. He filed a police report and was Moser another Jew to the authorities over the words “appropriate action”.)

          Contrary to the above comment, being unlicensed is a SERIOUS issue, because an unlicensed therapist has nothing at stake. They can commit malpractice, and there’s no authority to hold them accountable. Whereas, a licensed professional depends on their license for their income. If they commit malpractice, you can report them, and their license might be revoked. This not only keeps them in check but also provides clients with a tool to report malpractice.

          With regards to R’ Shloime Miller, there’s obviously zero comparison. R’ Shloime is a Gadol, plus he doesn’t charge for his advice, plus he would never attempt to bully you or intimidate you, plus he doesn’t file police reports on his constituents.

          Be well.

  5. Unlicensed is not an issue. The issue is when they are unexperianced, and careless. All about making a buck vs helping people.

    • Many times they are unlicensed for that reason. They are inexperienced and careless. They just want your money and do not care about the child they are treating. That is the case that happened to me. BH , he showed his true colours to me when I told him not to contact my son and he decided to file a police report. At least with a licensed therapist from Relief , they have to abide by certain rules and regulations, such as not giving out your information out to anyone and everything is confidential. This fake therapist didn’t abide by any rules. I have all this documented.

  6. There was a Rebbi/Rov in town who promoted himself as a professional although he had absolutely no schooling or licencing. He took a few for his “services”. The aforementioned perpetrator was dismissed from his job however still maintains his job as a Rov. His wife of many years insisted on a divorce and thankfully was freed from him.

  7. What about those unlicensed individuals with criminal records serving as dating coaches for singles?

    One of Klal Yisroel’s most popular dating coaches has a criminal record.
    Took lots of gelt to help me and did nothing. Then set me up with a weirdo from a greedy rich family who wouldn’t support full-time learning.
    In exchange for money, this dating coach promised me to restrain this bochur in beis medrish and forcing him to stop his stupid monthly gashmius business trips to Chicago and Hong Kong.
    But he did nothing! And people love this dating coach!

  8. Unfortunately, there are lots of licensed therapists that do harm. Having a license doesn’t make a therapist good.

    There are licensed therapists who are horrible, who make issues worse, who encourage divorces and alienation, even who abuse people.

    In fact the reality is that MOST therapists aren’t good, and a good therapist is very rare.

    Do a lot of research before using ANY therapist, period. Having a license doesn’t make them good. It just means they went through a course.

  9. Not for nothing, but if you’re going to an “unlicensed” therapist aren’t you ASKING for trouble? On the other hand, paying someone for their time is understandable, as long as you know what you’re getting.

  10. PSA: BE ALERT: The fact is, there will always be bad apples, even among licensed professionals. However, using an unlicensed therapist leaves you helpless. Because a licensed professional depends on their license for their income. If they commit malpractice, you can report them, and their license might be revoked. Knowing this, they are more careful to avoid losing their livelihood.

    In contrast, an unlicensed therapist has nothing at stake. They can act however they want, and there’s no authority to hold them accountable. This is especially true in our community, where people hesitate to expose others due to hilchos loshon hora. This allows unlicensed individuals in our community to continue committing malpractice without consequences.

    My wife is an RN. There were many times she told me she couldn’t do certain things because she feared being reported and losing her license. This fear of consequences keeps licensed professionals in check.

    Licensed professionals are more careful because they know their license is at stake. This not only keeps them in check but also provides clients with a tool to report malpractice. For that reason, you should only use licensed professionals, and stay far away from the unlicensed folks.


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