A robocall sent to parents of students in the Yeshiva K’tana elementary school warns them against providing the 24Six music streaming device.
Narrated by menahel Rabbi Osher Lederer, the robocall notably does not call for an outright ban of the music streaming platform and directs parents to ask their moreh horaah about it. However, Rabbi Lederer says that buying such a device for a child could be severely detrimental to their learning and growth in yiddishkeit.
Listen to the audio message below:
This message comes on the heels of a meeting held with all menahalim and administrators of Lakewood schools and mosdos, and led by BMG Rosh Yeshiva Rav Aryeh Malkiel Kotler shlit”a.
A Kol Koreh banning the device is expected to be released and is actively being worked on.
Lol everyone relax find better things to pick on
Why relax it’s important
Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla (to the tune of Baa, baa, black sheep, Have you any wool)
Chaval better let the kids be on YouTube and Spotify