L’CHAIM! New Jersey to Begin Allowing Alcohol Deliveries Straight to Your Home

New Jersey’s Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control has adopted a new rule that will allow bars, restaurants, and liquor stores to use delivery services like Uber Eats and Doordash to bring alcoholic beverages directly to your doorstep beginning this fall.

The Third-Party Delivery Permit allows alcohol-serving establishments to create contract services with third-party delivery services to ship the alcohol to homes.

“This is a game changer for New Jersey’s alcoholic beverage industry and a tremendous opportunity for growth,” said James B. Graziano, director of the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control. “We’ve worked diligently to craft a permit that serves as an economic stimulus for the industry while maintaining the integrity of New Jersey’s robust liquor laws. The Third-Party Delivery Permit includes appropriate safeguards to ensure orderly, controlled, verifiable and accountable deliveries of alcoholic beverages.”

Gov. Phil Murphy supports the new rule, saying that “opening the door to allow for third-party services to deliver alcoholic beverages to New Jersey residents will allow our local businesses to adopt to the everchanging world of technology and e-commerce.”

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