Lakewood Township’s annual reorganization meeting will be held virtually tomorrow, Monday, at 1 PM.
A number of appointments will be made at the reorganization meeting, including Mayor Ray Coles to a seventh consecutive term in his position, and Deputy Mayor Menashe Miller retaining his post, as well.
The public is welcome to participate using Cisco’s Web-Ex by either phone (audio only) or
computer (audio/visual). The Meeting ID#/Password is 26309565723. If choosing to call in,
the phone number is (408) 418-9388. All participants will be muted upon entry to the meeting but may participate by using the *3 key if participating by phone to raise your hand or by clicking the appropriate “Web-Ex” video button to be recognized via computer.
This meeting is viewable and recorded on Townhall Streams here.
To see the draft agenda for the reorganization meeting, click here.