Lakewood Police Investigating After Child is Struck by School Bus

Last evening at around 6:15 pm the Lakewood Police Department responded to the intersection of Pawnee Rd & Iroquois Place in reference to an accident involving a school bus and a child pedestrian.

Upon arrival, emergency personnel learned that the 41 year old male bus driver was operating a 2020 school bus when he struck a 9 year old student after he exited and began crossing in front of the bus.

The driver was unaware that he struck the child and left the scene. He immediately returned once he was notified of the accident and is cooperating with authorities.
The child was transported to Jersey Shore Medical Center and was treated for injuries to his lower back and a laceration to his head. Thankfully, he is stable and expected to make a full recovery.
At this time the investigation is still active, in conjunction with the Ocean County Prosecutors Office.
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