The 2022 Lakewood Police Department Police Camp will take place August 15-19.
REGISTRATION: June 1st-July 15th in the Lakewood Township Police Department’s Traffic & Safety Office (231 3rd St.). Enrollment is limited, selection by lottery, and notification by phone.
WHO: Open to all Township residents ages 11 through 13.
*Cadets must be able to perform rigorous physical activities.
*Cadets must adhere to a strict disciplinary policy.
*Cadets are required to wear khaki shorts and sneakers. (T-shirts, hats, and water bottles are provided)
*Lunch will be provided.
*Parents must attend a mandatory pre-camp me eting Thursday, August 11th, 7:00 pm at the Lakewood Police Department.
Please visit the Lakewood Township website’s home page for further information: