Pirchei Agudas Yisroel shared a beautiful story that recently unfolded through its Mishna Rishona Mishnayos program. Rabbi Eli Finkelman’s 5th-grade class from The Lakewood Cheder embarked on the ambitious task of collectively completing all of Shisha Sidrei Mishna through Pirchei’s Mishna Rishona program before the end of the school year. The boys worked tirelessly and, baruch Hashem, successfully completed this impressive endeavor in just four months.
To celebrate their remarkable achievement, the class took an exclusive trip to Brooklyn to meet the world-renowned Rav Fishel Schachter, the Maggid Shiur of the Pirchei Mishna Rishona Mishnayos Program. Rav Schachter delivered inspiring words of chizuk, motivating the boys to continue their dedication to learning.
The boys also had the opportunity to visit the acclaimed Living Torah Museum, where they saw various aspects of the Mishnayos brought to life, deepening their understanding and appreciation of their learning.
Rabbi Finkelman shared, “It’s amazing how Pirchei Agudas Yisroel can set up such a beautiful program that offers boys such a talented maggid shiur like Rav Fishel Schachter, bringing about such an amazing accomplishment that 5th-grade boys can finish Shisha Sidrei Mishna on their own!”
For their siyum seuda, they were honored to be hosted at the home of Rav Mordechai Finkelman shlita. The celebration was made even more special by the presence of Rabbi Labish Becker, Executive Director of Agudas Yisroel of America, who shared inspiring divrei bracha. Pirchei had the great zechus to help sponsor this remarkable siyum and trip for the boys.
Rabbi Becker remarked, “It was so inspirational to see how visibly excited the boys were to participate in the learning of Mishnayos through the Pirchei Mishna Rishona Program and to celebrate their achievement of collectively finishing Shas Mishnayos with a gala Siyum.”
Yasher koach to all the boys for their incredible learning and dedication. May their great achievement inspire others to join the Mishna Rishona Program and embark on their own journeys of limud mishnayos.