Lakewood Changes Bulk Trash Collection Schedule

Starting January 2023 bulk collection will be moved to Thursday (All trash and recycling will remain the same). All bulk items may be placed at the curb starting Wednesday morning before the scheduled date. Bulk collection will begin Thursday and continue throughout the weekend.

Zone 1 will be the first Thursday of each month. Zone 2 will be the second Thursday of each month. Zone 3 will be the third Thursday of each month. Zone 4 will be the fourth Thursday of each month.

Holidays may affect bulk collection. Please make sure you either call or email the Public Works Department to schedule a pickup. You can reach Public Works at (732)905-3405 or

Bulk collection is intended for household items that do not fit in your cans to be picked up curbside. The Township does NOT handle cleanups due to moving out. Some examples of bulk items are furniture, kids toys, appliances, tvs, computers. Please make sure that all mattresses and box springs are wrapped in plastic.

Some items that we will accept at the resident drop off location (NOT curbside) are cardboard, tires, empty propane tanks, fire extinguishers, batteries, and pallets. The resident drop off location is 1 America Avenue, Lakewood, NJ 08701. The Township does NOT accept hazardous waste.

Some examples of hazardous waste are paints, stains, gasoline, auto products, cleaning products. You can reach out to the Ocean County Solid Waste Department about hazardous waste disposal (732)-506-5047.

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