A Lakewood Board of Education member, Moshe Raitzik, has penned a letter endorsing Albert Harshaw – a former Jackson resident who briefly launched a bid for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination – for US Senate.
Harshaw is seeking the Republican nomination to represent New Jersey in Congress’s upper chamber, though he faces rather stiff competition from Republicans with more name recognition, including Christine Serrano-Glassner, journalist Alex Zdan, and Curtis Bashaw, the latter of whom appears to be the frontrunner.
The endorsement letter reads:
My name is Moshe Raitzik and I reside in Lakewood, New Jersey. I am writing this to serve as an endorsement and recommendation letter for Mr. Albert E. Harshaw in his race for U.S. Senate in New Jersey.
Mr. Harshaw has an impressive military and business background, and has the gravitas to get voters motivated to go to the polls to vote for him and the entire Republican slate.
As an “America First” advocate, Mr. Harshaw will get the job done restoring America’s greatness despite the hits we’ve had under President Biden and Governor Murphy.
As a member of Lakewood’s Jewish Orthodox community, I feel confident in Mr. Harshaw’s understanding of the current uptick in anti-Semitism, and the fact that it has to be fought and eradicated wherever it arises. He is also an ardent supporter of Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas and Hezbollah, and will aid Israel in their struggles.
As an elected Board of Education member, I believe that Mr. Harshaw understands the needs of our district and of students in general, as he is well educated and has two children still in school, and will be a strong advocate for us on the federal level to get us more funding, particularly for the non-public special education needs.
Please join me in supporting and voting for Albert Harshaw for U.S. Senate!
Moshe Raitzik
…uptick in anti-SemitiSM. correct this.