Lakewood Announces Memorial Day Parade Plans, Invites Organizations To Join

Lakewood Township will be having its annual Memorial Day Parade on Monday, May 27, 2024. The parade is a wonderful opportunity for the entire community to demonstrate their support for our esteemed veterans and for our selfless men and women currently in the service both here and abroad.

Lakewood invites organizations to participate in Lakewood’s Annual Memorial Day Parade.

The starting time of the parade is 11:00am. All units are requested to be at their assigned location no later than 10:30am. (In case of inclement weather, the ceremony may be postponed to a later date.)

Bus transportation will be available to transport the marchers from the lake back to the starting point of the parade.

Organizations that would like to participate can sign up at this link.

If you know of another organization that might be interested in participating in our parade, please have them contact Sarah via phone at 732-364-2500 ext. 5973 or email


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