Kapayim Opens Doors to New Lakewood “Cabin” – A Space for Children with a Family Member Facing a Medical Crisis

The local chesed scene received a welcome addition last month when Kapayim, the organization that steps in for families facing a medical crisis, opened its new ‘Cabin,’ the center where children can come by to relax, rejuvenate, and get away from the difficult circumstances at home.

Kapayim has earned a name for itself in recent years by focusing on the less noticeable, but equally devastating, impact severe illness has on a family. The organization provides a comprehensive list of services to alleviate some of the disruption that a complicated medical ordeal presents. From covering hospital shifts and providing meals, to cleaning and babysitting services, as well as programs for siblings and patients themselves, among many other services.

Kapayim lives up to their name by lending a hand in times of crisis. Their many programs are provided in the hospital, at home, and at the special Kapayim center hosting the family’s younger children who are often forced to deal with unimaginable turmoil in isolation.

Recently, the community welcomed the news that a magnificent and upscale new Kapayim Center, named The Cabin, is preparing to welcome the children who need a break — emotionally, physically, and socially. At The Cabin, the children have already begun receiving fresh and nourishing dinners, are helped with their homework, and given a chance to have fun and forget their troubles in a healthy environment.

A number of Rabbanim in the community came by to mark the occasion of the center’s opening and show support for the lofty work that Kapayim performs. During the event, they shared their admiration for the staff and volunteers involved in the mission, and exalted the impact of Kapayim in general and The Cabin in particular.

While The Cabin may be the most noticeable and unique service of Kapayim, the organization’s far-reaching mission has advanced to serving dozens of families, with the help of an ever growing team. Today, over 80 girls volunteer to take care of the overlooked children at home and make sure that The Cabin is set up and ready for kids to enjoy. A rotation of approximately twenty-five male drivers and about thirty female drivers deliver food daily and take families and volunteers to and from The Cabin.

Kapayim also arranges trips multiple times each week to and from CHOP hospital in Philadelphia. The team also distributes weekly hospital and home packages for kids and adults alike — chock full of toys, crafts, reading material, and entertainment.

With the organization’s many growing responsibilities, Kapayim leadership is embarking on a fundraising campaign to ensure they will continue to be able to offer families facing medical crises the uninterrupted stream of services they so desperately need.

The campaign is scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday, the first two days of the joyous month of Adar (Feb 22 and 23), and will take place online at https://www.dryveup.com/kapayim and over the phone at 929-357-2290

The founders and volunteers of Kapayim anticipate the community’s support toward this wonderful organization that they have devoted their lives to. They need the community’s help in covering daily operations, and more importantly, hope that the families facing devastating illness are showered with generosity and kindness, as they deserve.

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