A new poll from Fairleigh Dickinson University finds that New Jerseyans aren’t all that enamored with their elected officials and overwhelmingly think that they are corrupt.
The FDU survey found that just 6% of state residents think politicians are “not at all corrupt,” while 80% said they view them as corrupt.
How corrupt? 34% said “somewhat corrupt,” 27% said “very corrupt,” and 19% said “a little corrupt.”
Along party lines, just 5% of Republicans said politicians are “not at all corrupt,” whereas 11% of Democrats said the same.
The numbers aren’t great even when asked specifically about the elected officials who represent them in local government. Just 13% said that they are “not at all corrupt.”
“This is Jersey, and people expect some degree of corruption,” said FDU poll director Dan Cassino. “But the fact that they think their own representatives, the people they could vote out, are corrupt is really saying something.”
The 6 percent are the politicians
Yep, you now see the Democrats are more corrupted. So stop voting for Democrats Party. Wake up and let end gas attendant, plastic bags abandoned and more further law which is unnecessary. We need change the law make thing more simple and lift nonsense in state of New Jersey.