Jackson GOP Club To Celebrate Trump’s Primary Victories

In celebration of former President Donald Trump’s major election victories in Iowa and New Hampshire, the Jackson GOP Club will be celebrating those “yuge” wins at tonight’s regularly scheduled Jackson GOP meeting.

The meeting will be tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the V.F.W. at 54 Magnolia Drive.

“Join Mayor Reina and your Council members and do your part to help  shape the future of Jackson and our role in the upcoming Presidential election,” the Club said.

“There will be food and refreshments available as we not only begin our work toward making sure we elect Republicans to the township council in November, but to make sure Republicans up and down the ticket continue winning seats to keep Jackson and Ocean County solid red in 2025 and beyond.

“Come celebrate Trump’s victories in a room full of like-minded people and let’s kick off the year with that momentum behind our party.”

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  1. The best way for a Jewish person to celebrate President Trump‘s victory, Is for he or she To go out in the beautiful wooded areas and trails of Jackson and Thank Hashem for the beautiful trees and environment we live in and then to plead with Hashem to please send the Geulah Shelama and not have to deal with politics.


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