Jackson Allocating Funds For Sidewalks And Saving Courtesy Busing For 24-25 School Year

The Board of Education recently hosted a meeting with municipal government officials to have a discussion on transportation safety, specifically addressing concerns over courtesy busing for students.

Due to the state aid cuts under the S2 funding formula, the district announced it would cut courtesy school busing to students within two miles of their schools. Township officials balked at this decision.

Council President Jennifer Kuhn, Councilman Mordechai Burnstein, Business Administrator Terrence Wall, Public Safety Director Joseph Candido, and several town officials met with board members and school administrators.

The primary issue discussed was the town’s preparedness for students to walk to school, with many voicing strong opposition to the idea due to safety concerns. The township highlighted the inadequate infrastructure, citing insufficient curbs and sidewalks as significant hazards as reasons why children should not be forced to walk to school in many areas of the township.

Council President Kuhn said  $2.5 million from the State had been submitted to address these issues, aimed at reinstating courtesy busing and improving pedestrian infrastructure. She asked why the board did not notify concerned parents that the problem had been resolved.

School officials said they didn’t want to announce it until the money was in their account.

During the meeting, Business Administrator Wall confirmed that the money was guaranteed after a quick conversation with state legislator Alex Sauickie. Of the $2.5 million, $1.5 million would be allocated to reinstating courtesy busing, and the remaining $1 million would be used to enhance curbs and sidewalks, ensuring safer routes for students.

The township then agreed to match the $1 million infrastructure grant to help the district during their financial crisis.

The board assured attendees that courtesy busing would remain intact for students.

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