The Rabbi is right, we are not נביאים. However, there are things that would make Hashem upset. Throwing boys out of yeshiva with no plan for them to go elsewhere. Making sure no child left without a school. Please stop the machlokes that is going on. I think everyone should listen to a video that Dayan Dunner gave to the agudah regarding the serious problems,we have today. He offers advice,if taken, will have Hashem view us as ehrliche yidden who truly are full of chesed and shalom.
The Rabbi is right, we are not נביאים. However, there are things that would make Hashem upset. Throwing boys out of yeshiva with no plan for them to go elsewhere. Making sure no child left without a school. Please stop the machlokes that is going on. I think everyone should listen to a video that Dayan Dunner gave to the agudah regarding the serious problems,we have today. He offers advice,if taken, will have Hashem view us as ehrliche yidden who truly are full of chesed and shalom.