Rav Aharon Olshin, the eldest son of Rav Yeruchem and the next in line to become a Bais Medrash Govoha rosh yeshiva, delivered his first Shiur Klali in the yeshiva today.
Rav Aharon is also the son-in-law of Novominsk Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yossel Mermelstein shlit”a. BMG officials told Lakewood Alerts that although this shiur is a historic first, there are no plans to install Rav Aharon as a full-time member of BMG’s hanhala at this time.
Other children and sons-in-law of BMG roshei yeshiva also delivered their own shiur following Rav Aharon’s. The BMG roshei yeshiva were in attendance for all of them.
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BMG? Is that in Lakewood?
I’ve been following a different news site and never heard of BMG. Is it a new place?
Your’e so kool. Grow up!!