HEARTWARMING: Remorseful Thief Repays Lakewood Store Owner

A Lakewood store owner got an unexpected surprise on Friday: an Uber delivering a letter and a pile of cash.

The letter writer said that he was a regular at Mr. Mizrahi’s store (Eat-A-Pita) many years back and on numerous occasions ordered food and left without paying. While he says he would write down the sum he owed to pay back at a future date, “it got out of hand accumulated to a large sum of money.”

The man writes that his actions “haunted” him over the years, and he now wanted to pay him back, adding that if the sum enclosed was off, Mr. Mizrahi should be mochel him.

Mr. Mizrahi responded by publicly being mochel the customer and promptly donating the money that was delivered to him – $2,500 – to Bike 4 Chai, saying he had to give the money to tzedaka in case the customer had paid him more than what he really owed.

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