Acting Gov. Nick Scutari on Monday signed into law legislation cracking down on the owners of vehicles outfitted with blasting sound systems that annoy and irritate anyone unfortunate enough to be in their proximate vicinity.
It’s now law that a person commits a motor vehicle violation if the person operates or amplifies a sound system, connected to or located within a motor vehicle, that violates the noise standards and any rules and regulations.
The bill provided for the impoundment of nuisance motor vehicles, commonly referred to as boom cars, and allowed municipalities to seize and, in certain circumstances, destroy the
These penalties established under the bill, as introduced, were consistent with the penalties for snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles, and dirt bikes operated in violation of current law.
A person convicted of a first motor vehicle violation under the bill is subject to a fine of $250. A person convicted of a second violation is subject to a fine of $500. A person convicted of a third or subsequent violation under the bill is subject to a fine of $750 and will get two points on their license.
And what about the Yidden that do the same occasionally, like on Purim? Is there some kind of dispensation for Yidden doing this?
How is it Good that the Government wants to control our lives more?
Can we try to refrain from having opinionated writing and just keep to the facts( I’m referring to the “good” in the title).