Dion Marsh Makes Another Court Appearance, Again Curses Wildly at Judge

The terror suspect in the series of attacks against Orthodox Jews in Lakewood and Jackson nearly three weeks ago had his second court hearing on Wednesday, and like in the first hearing, he cursed at the judge repeatedly and was muted so that the proceedings could continue.

Dion Marsh appeared virtually before Superior Court Judge Guy P. Ryan on Wednesday to have the new state terrorism charges against him read, yet as in the first hearing last week, Marsh hurled obscenities throughout the court session.

The terrorism charge read to Marsh at Wednesday’s hearing is separate from the federal terrorism charge slapped on the suspect by the U.S. Justice Department.

“She can leave now or shut the [expletive] up,” Marsh yelled immediately upon public defender Marissa DeAnna’s entering for an appearance on Marsh’s behalf.

“It’s game [expletive] over!” he continued. “Call Dion, call Tyrone, call Simpson. I’m done with this [expletive].”

It isn’t clear who Marsh was referring to.

The judge then told the suspect that he would be advising him of the new charges leveled against him by the state.

“Oh, word, and what’s yours? Terrorism? [Expletive] you. Get going,” Marsh responded.

Marsh was then muted, during which time Judge Ryan read the new charge of terrorism, which comes along with a minimum prison term of 30 years and up to a maximum of life in prison.

Marsh was then unmuted to be asked by the judge whether he understood the charges and his rights as a defendant. Marsh went right back to cursing.

“Do you want the numbers or not?” Marsh asked the judge, referring to the phone numbers of attorneys that he wanted to hire to defend him.

“No, I don’t call the attorneys for you, sir,” Judge Ryan replied.

“Okay, then shut the [expletive] up,” Marsh shot back. “Don’t get me a public defender.”

After being muted yet again, the judge had Marsh unmuted for a moment to ask him if he understood the proceedings that had just occurred.

“Bull–! Shut the [expletive] up! Shut up! Shut the [expletive] up,” Marsh responded.

See video of Wednesday’s proceedings below. Video is via APP.

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  1. So what does this mean for him from a legal standpoint now? Is it considered that he understood? For it make a difference legally at all?
    Please clarify. Thank you.


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