In a landmark decision, D.R. Horton has officially transferred control of the homeowners’ association (HOA) to the residents of the Jackson 21 development. While the developer could have retained control until more homes were sold, D.R. Horton opted to hand over governance earlier, giving residents authority over key aspects of the neighborhood.
The HOA is responsible for managing common areas, house rentals, parking enforcement, the clubhouse, and the pool. For the predominantly frum residents, many of whom have large families, gaining control of the HOA is seen as a critical step in shaping the future of the Jackson 21 development according to their needs and values.
Central to the life of the community is the shul, Khal Jackson 21, located within the development. The shul accommodates both Nusach Ashkenaz and Nusach Sefard minyanim, catering to the Heimeshe and Litvishe residents in the area.
The daily schedule at Khal Jackson 21 begins with a morning Kollel at 6:40 AM, followed by Shacharis at 7:00, 7:20, and 8:00 AM. Mincha and Maariv are held 10 minutes before Shkiya, with a night Kollel starting at 9:00 PM and a second Maariv at 10:00 PM. Throughout the week, various shiurim (Torah classes) are offered by Rabbi Yitzy Philip, and a Daf Yomi shiur is given nightly by Rabbi Yitzy Aurbach.
So shiur is Torah class. Thanks. What’s a litvishe?
I’ve heard such amazing things about this development, and was there a few times – it is really beautiful! Kol Hakavod to all the Askonim spreading yiddishkeit in Jackson