BREAKING: Jackson Mayor Mike Reina Drops Out of Assembly Race

Jackson Mayor Mike Reina has issued the following statement, announcing that he is no longer seeking to succeed the late Assemblyman Ron Dancer’s 12th District seat:

I’ve made no mistake that one day I would like to represent the people of the 12th Legislative District as their Assemblyman but after much consideration and in consultation with trusted advisors, I have decided today is not that day.

When I entered the race for Mayor of Jackson Township in 2008 I did so as a candidate
truly devoted to the notion of public service, placing the needs of the hardworking
residents of the town that I truly love before any personal aspirations. I’m proud to say
that after nearly 14 years I have not waivered and remain resolute in my commitment to
serving Jackson’s residents.

Jackson Township is the most dynamic municipality in Ocean County, if not all of New
Jersey. As our population continues to grow and become more diverse and as businesses
continue to invest in our community, there is simply too much at stake to trust the work
to unsteady and untested leadership. There remains much to be done and I intend to see
the job through to it’s completion.

Thank you to the many supporters who encouraged me to seek the office of Assembly
but effective immediately, I am withdrawing my name from consideration.

There remain many qualified candidates in the race and I hope that all Committee
members will give due consideration to each.

Michael J. Reina

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