BMG Talmidim Sign Up En Masse For Siyum Hashas At Adirei Hatorah Event

Dozens of BMG talmidim have signed up to be a part of the joint siyum on Talmud Bavli and Yerushalmi at the June 4th Adirei Hatorah event.

Sign up papers were distributed outside BMG batei medrashim, with many talmidim choosing to be a part of the momentous upcoming maamad hatorah.

Additionally, shul representatives have begun receiving texts and emails with links for their shul members to use to buy tickets to the event. All shul representatives are expected to have received the links before Shabbos.

The site for shuls to purchase tickets will be going live on motzei shabbos. The site for the general public to purchase tickets will go live on Wednesday, May 17.

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