Bill Ensuring Students Will Never Forget 9/11 Passed in NJ Senate

The Senate on Thursday approved Senator Anthony M. Bucco’s legislation requiring schools to include instruction on the events of September 11, 2001, in the curriculum.

“After we were attacked on 9/11, ‘We will never forget’ became the rallying cry for a shaken nation,” said Bucco (R-25). “Now, 21 years later, we must educate a new generation not only of the horrible losses and psychological damages of that day, but also the emotional strength we all shared as Americans came together like no other time since World War II.”

Bucco’s bill, S-713, directs school districts to include age-appropriate lessons for elementary, middle, and high school students.

Under the bill, the instruction would provide information on the historical context of the attack; a timeline of the day as events unfolded; the heroic actions of the police, firefighters, paramedics, and other first responders in the rescue and recovery of victims; and the outpouring of humanitarian, charitable, and volunteer assistance and support that occurred immediately following Sept. 11.

“Today’s students weren’t born when 9/11 occurred,” Bucco noted. “The historical significance makes it incumbent on the Legislature to ensure schools are prepared to teach the next generation adequately and responsibly about this compelling incident.”

In addition, the measure requires public schools to hold annual assemblies to commemorate the events of Sept. 11, 2001.

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