We regret to inform you of the passing of the mother of Rav Raphael Moshe Gettinger Shlit”a, Rebbetzen Rochel Gettinger A”H this morning.
Please be informed of the following information:
A short levaya tomorrow, Thursday morning at 11AM at Newark airport in the parking lot of the old United terminal, 340 Airis Drive, Newark, NJ.
A short levaya will be held in Eretz Yisroel at 11:30AM Friday morning at the entrance to Har Hamenuchos. The family will be sitting shiva in Eretz Yisroel, Motzei Shabbos and Sunday till 6:00PM at the Weinberger apartment in Yerushalayim the address is 33 Sorotzkin Kenisah Aleph two flights down. Monday and Tuesday in chicago at the Ungar Home 3100 W. Northshore Avenue Chicago IL and the Rosh Yeshiva will be sitting in Lakewood at his home 53 Freedom drive on Wednesday and will be getting up on Thursday.
May be be Zoche to share in Simchos and Bsuros Tovos Together