BD”E: Petirah Of R’ Tzvi Boruch (Hershel) Babad Z”L Of K’hal Bnei Yissoschor [LEVAYA DETAILS]

Lakewood Alerts regrets to inform you of the petirah of R’ Tzvi Boruch (Hershel) Babad z”l. He was 82 years old.

Rabbi Babad helped found and lead the shul K’hal Bnei Yissoschor in the basement of his residence on Whitesville Road.

Hundreds of people daven and learn in the popular shul each day, and R’ Tzvi Boruch played a tremendous role in getting it to where it is today.

The levaya will take place at 9:30 AM Friday in K’hal Bnei Yissoschor, 1767 Whitesville Road, Toms River.

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